Sunday, November 2, 2008


Happy Halloween!

Sarah as Hester Prinn
Isaac as a Hippie
Joshie as an Old Man (sans cane)
Emmy as Cinderella
Sarah as Hester Prinn

Isaac as a Hippie Dude

Joshie as an Old Man

Emmy as Cinderella
We had a fun Halloween Day. We went to the school parade and Emmy walked with Sarah. It is a little sad that this will be Sarah's last Halloween school parade. Time keeps marching on.

Emmy went to Sarah's class and had a bit of fun with the 6th graders. She wants to be grown up like her sister.
The loot. Tootsie rolls and suckers.
Even Princesses need a break.

Later in the evening we went to the Church for the Trunk-er-Treat. The kids all had fun going from car to car and seeing all their friends.

Even the puppy found a treat that was left unattended. Nobody missed out.


Karen Mello Burton said...

Great shots! I saw you taking pix at the parade but didn't want to disrupt your groove. I am still laughing about Hester... G thought it would be funny to have a matching mom costume with an "A+" giggle giggle

Junebug7776 said...

Your kids are so cute. I can't believe Sarah is in the 6th grade. that just blows my mind.

Seattle Hawk said...

Issac looks so cute as a cool hippy dude, and love Sarah's outfit. She makes a cute Hester. Those kids are so cute!

Miss Brandy said...

Love the dog with the sucker! Jason got a huge kick out of Sarah being an adulterer for Halloween.