Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Report and Photos

Rather then post a bunch of Christmas photos here, I put them on Flickr. If you click on the link to the right you can see them.

We had a great Christmas. A few highlights:
- Santa brought us a Wii
- Jason was able to join us for the gift giving before heading to work
- Sarah cried (see photo on flickr)
- Isaac was very sick. Poor kid. He enjoyed his presents a day late
- Joshie became a master Bionical builder
- Emma received so many Pollys that we all looked like giants in a small town

Christmas morning with young children is magical and wonderful. Now on to the New Year.


Karen Mello Burton said...

Gotta love the jammies tradition! Great photo, Midge. And I LOLed at the giants comment!

Graciesmom said...

Oh man, the Wii is addicting! We have been playing Guitar Hero non-stop since Christmas!