Friday, May 29, 2009

Last Day of the School Year

The only picture Sarah would hold still for. Oh well...

Isaac's last day of 3rd grade. Playing with legos. (Whatever)

Joshie and Mrs. Antonino. Last day of 1st grade for him.
Heading down the hall to summer and freedom!


Sarah said...

Isaac jeez!

Karen Mello Burton said...

I remember those last days of elementary school like they were yesterday. Today at my school some kids were crying as they left. It was so sweet!

Seattle Hawk said...

Wow! They are growing up so fast. I can't believe Sarah's gonna be in middle school, and Joshie will be a second grader! And Issac will be in what, 4th grade? Anyway, they are growing up so fast.

Sarah said...

Freedom yeah....
Bedtime at 9!