Friday, January 30, 2009

You may need a drink and a cookie to finish......

Fair warning..This will be a long post.
(Instead of a cookie, you may want a granola bar for strength.)
A lot has been happening and I will put it all down in one post.

#1 Title: Polygamist Polly's
Emma LOVES playing Polly Pockets. She has houses, horses, a swimming pool, a very cool car and a ton of clothes and shoes. What she doesn't have alot of are boy Polly's. She was playing one day and the "family" was having dinner. This is what it looked like.

She is so imaginative and she talks for all the dolls in different voices. It's like one big Polly soap opera everyday in my living room.

#2 Title: More Warm Laps
I love crafting. Which if you knew me 10 years ago you would not believe. Thanks to very cheap Hannah Montana merchandise, I have made two more lap desks. One for my Mom.
She loved it, except she would prefer her flowers to reflect her football choice and be blue instead of red. Oh well, Mom you can't have everything! I love you!!
The other one was for myself.

#3 Title: Turtles, Lizards and Snakes
A couple of my neighbor ladies and I do a very informal preschool with our little blonde girls. We went to the Bean Museum on the BYU campus this month. The people who work there are just great. We sat in on the reptile presentation. The kids loved it.
They got to feed carrots to a turtle named Oscar,
pet a lizard named Col. Mustard,
and touch a snake (I don't remember his/her name).
Emma was brave and curious and didn't hesitate to touch each one.

#4 Title: Elder Robert D. Hales
I don't have any pictures to go along with this one. Elder Hales came to our stake conference this last week. I went to the adult session on Saturday and Jason was able to attend with us the general session on Sunday. I had the privilege to sing in the combined ward choir. It always amazes me how powerful the spirit is when you are in the same room with an apostle. He spoke on alot of topics which were all wonderful. I am so very thankful to belong to the true church of Jesus Christ.
#5 Title: Pinewood Derby 2009
I will admit.....I do not like building cars out of wood. It is just not my thing. I have dreaded the "Derby" each year (only 2 so far, feels like more). Last year Isaac's car was a mess. The wheel kept coming off and the car didn't even make it to the finish line for most of the races.
He was bound and determined to have a better car this year. More effort and thought went into it this year.
It was fun to watch Jason and Isaac sand,
sand, repaint,
and sand some more.
We were all very pleased with the result.
Isaac calls it "The Bat-mo-Derby".
He did very well on race day.
His car placed 1st in one heat and 2nd in the other two.
He was awarded the "Best Super Hero Car" award.
I am very proud of my Cub Scout.

#6 Title: Bacon is Avenged
Let me start with.....Jason is a twin.
Jason and Floyd.
The Clark boys/twins.
I have heard, from many sources, they were quite a handful growing up. One of the funniest stories I have heard goes something like this:
When the twins were maybe 3 or 4 they tried to wash their cat, Bacon, in bubble bath. When the parents found the poor thing he was covered in bubbles.
The boys were sent to their room while the parents wrangled with the cat. They put the cat in the tub to wash it out and because it was bubble bath it just kept giving...more and more bubbles. It took quite a while to get the cat clean.
After, the parents were very scratched and soaked. They went to the boys room to talk (yell) at them and the boys had colored a very nice picture all over the bedroom wall. (Jason tells me it was one of his finest works.)
Well, I won't go into all the bad stuff that happened to those two little boys
when the parents saw the mural......
I only tell this story because Bacon has been avenged, by a 3 year girl.
Last night Emma decided that Crookshanks (the very best cat in the whole world) needed handsoap.
On his head, back, get the idea.
Anyway, Jason and I wrestled with him in the kitchen sink to wash the soap off.
Cats really don't like water! Poor thing...he is so skinny with wet fur.
We blew his fur mostly dry with the blow dryer. The amount of cat fur flying in our house today is surprising. I had to take a Benadryl.
Crookshanks is the most patient cat. He tolerates alot from us humans (mostly the littlest one). Jason and I came away with a few scratches and we were a little wet. I am glad to report that he is back to normal today. Jason couldn't wait to tell his brother and Dad about the incident. At least we can laugh, cough, cough, scratch....I need another Benadryl.


Karen Mello Burton said...

#1 Title: Please tell me the boys are not named Polly too.

#2 Title: Those lap desks are becoming the new thing! Ebay, girlfriend!

#3 Title: I hate spiders but think reptiles are ab fab!

#4 Title: What a great weekend being in the presence of an apostle. I basked in that feeling all week.

#5 Title: This was my last Pinewood Derby, and I must admit I am a bit sad about it...

#6 Title: Bacon would have really been avenged if Crookshanks had squirted soap all over Jason! LOL

Seattle Hawk said...

That poor cat. I know when I bathed Thingy, she looks like a drowned rat. Anyway, congrats to Isaac on his pinewood derby wins. Thats great. Anyway, you are so creative, I'm impressed!

Spencer and Amy Shumway said...

I found your blog from Erins blog. I hope you don'd mind me following it. Here is mine if you want to check it out.

Love ya!