Monday, June 7, 2010

How Time Passes

It is official. I am a mother of a teenager.

Oh, she has acted like a teen for about 2 years now,

but today it is OFFICIAL.

She is my firstborn.

She broke us in to parenting.

She was walking by 10 months.

She was talking (full sentences) by a year.

She wanted a red convertible when she was 3.

She ran away from home when she was 5.

She built a cardboard diarama city in her room and used all the tape in the house.

She fell in love with Harry Potter.

She has decided she is going to Harvard Law School and I know she will.

She is the bravest person I know.

She is an example to all her family.

She loves her Daddy the best.

She is now 13.

I love you Sarah.


Dernos dilemma said...

As you mention each thing, oh I remeber oh so well.She is one special girl.I love her so much.She is going far what a great example she is.

Karen Mello Burton said...

She is a dynamo. Happy birthday to Sarah!

Luann said...

You're a lucky mom to have a girl like her. Happy Birthday, Sarah!

Lisa said...

Love it. Love the post. Love the memories. Love that girl!