Wednesday, May 19, 2010


We have a beautiful new couch. I have wanted/needed a new couch for awhile. Ever since the devil dog chewed and ate the last one. We got it from some awesome neighbors that are downsizing. We really couldn't afford a new couch, sigh. But, being the problem solver that I am I decided that we needed to have a yard sale. So we started cleaning out closets and storerooms. Last Saturday we held the yard sale. Man, people go crazy at yard sales. At the end of the day we came away with the money to buy the new couch and a bit left over (for our 15th anniversary dinner).

Another plus to all this is we have very clean closets. We probably got rid of a third of our "stuff". It is good for my soul to clean things out.

1 comment:

Karen Mello Burton said...

So so so good for the soul. And a nice new leather couch is good for the soul too.