Thursday, February 19, 2009

Good, Better, Best

The Good
Thanks to a very energic puppy, we needed to replace a window in the front room. Since all the windows in the front room are painted shut with layers and layers of paint, this was a good thing.


The Better
Our hot water heater started leaking. I know you are thinking, that is not a "better" thing. But, when you have great neighbors who can give you a great deal and install it for you, it is a very "better" thing. We upgraded from 40 gallons to 50 gallons. No picture of the old one (I know, to bad) but, here is the new one.

The Best
Thanks to the same great neighbor, we also got a new furnace. Now, I think the old one was the original one that was put in some time in the 50's or 60's. We, not so affectionately, called it "The Monster". These pictures are great. It was so big the installers had to break it into a bunch of pieces. After they took it all out they found an old bike tire and shower head (with pipes still attached) behind it.

The new one is so pretty. Shiny, clean, and effecient!

We gained about 2 feet of space. We are green stickered and up to code. It feels so good to do something for/to the house.


Dernos dilemma said...

Awesome,I am so glad it is all done,it looks great,now enjoy!!Great pictures!!

Luann said...


I love it when we upgrade some of the basics in our house. Installing a new breaker box tree years ago was one of the best things we've done. We still need a new water heater, though...

Karen Mello Burton said...

Next week we celebrate the first birthday of our new furnace/ AC unit. Congrats on the upgrades!

Anonymous said...

Wow...I have always wanted a green sticker! I am glad we did this when we could and not when we had too. Great pics...I did not know our old furnace had a bicyle wheel. I hope you moved my nudy mags when they took down the old furnace.

Seattle Hawk said...

Wow, all that is something else! It's so nice to have upgrades that make life easier. Congrats on your green sticker! Those pipes and bicycle wheel are hilarious! You'll remember that forever.

Sarah said...

More bragging about the new furnace and window and water heater??????? Tee Hee. i would love to brag about it but i am too busy ranting about how global warming is not real. Oh did i mention that

Graciesmom said...

Yea, Yea, Yea!!!