Friday, August 21, 2009


For 2 weeks we have been fixing, replacing, glueing, cursing sprinklers. We have had to replace 7 heads, the 3 turn on valves (including the PVC pipe for all 3), and we found a little surprise. As Jason dug up one of the sprinkler heads to replace he discovered a pipe that didn't belong. It seemed to go to another sprinkler head we didn't even know we had.

(Sidewalk on bottom of picture.

Crazy sprinkler head pipe

The pipe going up the picture i

the new pipe we found.)

So, Jason and Wes (his brother) started digging up lawn (weeds) in search of the pipe end. In the process they dug up this lovely chain. (Found in the middle of the lawn (weeds))

At long last they found the end of the pipe and a sprinkler head we didn't know we had. Of course we had to replace it, but now my bushes get watered by a sprinkler rather then by hand.

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